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18 Dec 17 UTC
Дипломатия с крысами
1 дней
Autumn, 1906
Rat Wars
Банк победителю
, Анонимная
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История приказов (последние 20 ходов):
Autumn, 1906
Dead Rabbits
Plug Uglies
Shirt Tails
Spring, 1906
Dead Rabbits
Plug Uglies
Shirt Tails
Autumn, 1905
Dead Rabbits
Plug Uglies
Shirt Tails
Spring, 1905
Dead Rabbits
Plug Uglies
Shirt Tails
Autumn, 1904
Dead Rabbits
Plug Uglies
Shirt Tails
Spring, 1904
Dead Rabbits
Plug Uglies
Shirt Tails
Autumn, 1903
Dead Rabbits
Plug Uglies
Shirt Tails
Spring, 1903
Dead Rabbits
Plug Uglies
Shirt Tails
Autumn, 1902
Dead Rabbits
Plug Uglies
Shirt Tails
Spring, 1902
Dead Rabbits
Plug Uglies
Shirt Tails
Autumn, 1901
Dead Rabbits
Plug Uglies
Shirt Tails
Spring, 1901
Dead Rabbits
Plug Uglies
Shirt Tails
Autumn, 1906
Dead Rabbits
The Arrow Rat at s3 move to s6.
The Spear Rat at x6 move to y7.
The Arrow Rat at r8 support hold to r5.
(fail) (dislodged)
The Spear Rat at s4 support hold to r6.
Plug Uglies
The Arrow Rat at s6 hold.
The Spear Rat at l4 move to l1.
The Spear Rat at k3 move to f8.
The Spear Rat at r6 move to r8.
The Arrow Rat at a2 move to a3.
The Spear Rat at r3 move to s1.
The Spear Rat at g7 move to f9.
The Arrow Rat at r5 support move to r8 from r6.
Shirt Tails
The Arrow Rat at j3 hold.
The Arrow Rat at h2 hold.
The Spear Rat at g6 hold.
The Arrow Rat at e1 hold.
The Arrow Rat at i3 hold.
The Arrow Rat at y9 hold.
The Arrow Rat at f3 hold.
The Spear Rat at m5 hold.
The Arrow Rat at g4 hold.
The Spear Rat at n4 move to m9.
The Spear Rat at t2 move to t3.
The Arrow Rat at h1 move to c1.
The Arrow Rat at e3 support hold to e1.
The Arrow Rat at t9 support move to t3 from t2.
The Arrow Rat at l9 move to m7.
The Spear Rat at f5 move to f2.
The Arrow Rat at e2 move to j2.
The Spear Rat at g5 support move to g4 from g7.
Spring, 1906
Dead Rabbits
The Arrow Rat at s3 move to t3.
The Spear Rat at x2 move to x6.
The Arrow Rat at w2 move to r8.
The Spear Rat at s4 support hold to s5.
Plug Uglies
The Arrow Rat at s6 hold.
The Spear Rat at l7 move to l4.
The Arrow Rat at s5 move to r5.
The Spear Rat at l4 move to k3.
The Spear Rat at r8 move to r6.
The Arrow Rat at f2 move to a2.
The Spear Rat at r3 move to s4.
The Spear Rat at l1 move to g7.
Shirt Tails
The Arrow Rat at h2 hold.
The Spear Rat at g6 hold.
The Arrow Rat at e1 hold.
The Arrow Rat at e3 hold.
The Arrow Rat at i3 hold.
The Arrow Rat at f3 hold.
The Spear Rat at m5 hold.
The Arrow Rat at g4 hold.
The Spear Rat at n2 move to n4.
The Arrow Rat at j6 move to j3.
The Arrow Rat at t7 move to t9.
The Spear Rat at t2 move to t3.
The Arrow Rat at y3 move to y9.
The Arrow Rat at i1 move to h1.
The Spear Rat at g5 move to g6.
The Arrow Rat at g9 move to l9.
The Spear Rat at f7 move to f5.
The Arrow Rat at d3 move to e2.
Autumn, 1905
Dead Rabbits
The Arrow Rat at s3 hold.
The Spear Rat at x2 hold.
The Arrow Rat at w2 hold.
The Spear Rat at s4 hold.
The Arrow Rat at o8 hold.
Destroy the unit at o8.
Plug Uglies
The Spear Rat at r8 hold.
The Arrow Rat at s6 hold.
The Arrow Rat at r5 move to s5.
The Arrow Rat at k2 move to f2.
The Spear Rat at m8 move to r3.
The Spear Rat at l5 move to l1.
The Spear Rat at l7 support hold to l4.
The Spear Rat at l4 support move to l1 from l5.
Shirt Tails
The Arrow Rat at e1 hold.
The Arrow Rat at e3 hold.
The Spear Rat at m5 hold.
The Arrow Rat at g4 hold.
The Spear Rat at h4 move to g6.
The Arrow Rat at j3 move to i3.
The Spear Rat at o7 move to t2.
The Arrow Rat at t9 move to y3.
The Arrow Rat at g2 move to f3.
The Arrow Rat at i1 support move to i3 from j3.
Build Spear Rat at n2.
Build Arrow Rat at h2.
Build Arrow Rat at t7.
Build Arrow Rat at j6.
The Spear Rat at k3 move to l1.
The Spear Rat at g7 move to g5.
The Arrow Rat at l3 move to g9.
The Spear Rat at k1 move to f7.
The Arrow Rat at d3 move to i3.
Destroy the unit at k3.
Spring, 1905
Dead Rabbits
The Arrow Rat at s3 hold.
The Spear Rat at x2 hold.
The Arrow Rat at w2 hold.
The Spear Rat at s4 hold.
The Arrow Rat at o8 hold.
Plug Uglies
The Spear Rat at p3 move to l7.
The Arrow Rat at r8 move to r5.
The Spear Rat at r6 move to r8.
The Arrow Rat at k8 move to k2.
The Spear Rat at r1 move to m8.
The Arrow Rat at s5 move to s6.
The Spear Rat at l4 support hold to l5.
The Spear Rat at l5 support hold to l4.
Shirt Tails
The Arrow Rat at e1 hold.
The Arrow Rat at g4 hold.
The Arrow Rat at i1 hold.
The Spear Rat at h2 move to h4.
The Arrow Rat at j3 move to e3.
The Arrow Rat at j6 move to j3.
The Spear Rat at n6 move to o7.
The Arrow Rat at t7 move to t9.
The Arrow Rat at h1 move to g2.
The Spear Rat at m9 move to m5.
The Spear Rat at k1 hold.
The Spear Rat at k3 move to l4.
The Spear Rat at l1 move to g7.
The Arrow Rat at m3 move to l3.
The Arrow Rat at d2 move to d3.
Autumn, 1904
Dead Rabbits
The Arrow Rat at s3 hold.
The Spear Rat at x2 hold.
The Arrow Rat at w2 hold.
The Spear Rat at s4 hold.
The Arrow Rat at o3 hold.
The Arrow Rat at o8 hold.
Destroy the unit at o3.
Plug Uglies
The Spear Rat at p5 move to p3.
The Arrow Rat at q9 move to r8.
The Spear Rat at r8 move to r6.
The Arrow Rat at k7 move to k8.
The Spear Rat at q6 move to r1.
The Spear Rat at l8 move to l5.
The Arrow Rat at r5 move to s5.
The Spear Rat at l4 support move to l5 from l8.
Shirt Tails
The Arrow Rat at j3 hold.
The Arrow Rat at j6 hold.
The Arrow Rat at i1 hold.
The Spear Rat at n3 move to n6.
The Arrow Rat at t9 move to t7.
The Arrow Rat at h2 move to h1.
The Spear Rat at n4 move to m9.
The Arrow Rat at g5 move to g4.
Build Spear Rat at h2.
Build Arrow Rat at e1.
The Spear Rat at k1 hold.
The Spear Rat at k2 move to k3.
The Spear Rat at f1 move to f5.
The Arrow Rat at h3 move to m3.
The Arrow Rat at d8 move to d2.
The Spear Rat at l1 support move to k3 from k2.
Destroy the unit at f5.
Spring, 1904
Dead Rabbits
The Arrow Rat at s3 hold.
The Spear Rat at x2 hold.
The Arrow Rat at w2 hold.
The Spear Rat at s4 hold.
The Arrow Rat at o3 hold.
The Arrow Rat at o8 hold.
Plug Uglies
The Spear Rat at p4 move to p5.
The Arrow Rat at q7 move to q9.
The Spear Rat at k9 move to l4.
The Spear Rat at w1 move to r8.
The Arrow Rat at k1 move to k7.
The Spear Rat at q5 move to q6.
The Spear Rat at l8 move to l5.
The Arrow Rat at r5 support move to r8 from w1.
Shirt Tails
The Arrow Rat at j6 hold.
The Arrow Rat at h2 hold.
The Arrow Rat at e9 move to j3.
The Spear Rat at i9 move to n3.
The Arrow Rat at o9 move to t9.
The Spear Rat at n2 move to n4.
The Arrow Rat at h5 move to g5.
The Arrow Rat at i1 support hold to h2.
The Spear Rat at f1 hold.
The Spear Rat at l1 move to l5.
The Arrow Rat at h1 move to h3.
The Spear Rat at f7 move to k1.
The Arrow Rat at c8 move to d8.
The Spear Rat at k2 support move to k1 from f7.
Autumn, 1903
Dead Rabbits
The Arrow Rat at s3 move to t3.
The Spear Rat at x6 move to x2.
The Arrow Rat at w2 move to r8.
The Spear Rat at r3 move to s4.
The Arrow Rat at n3 move to o3.
The Arrow Rat at t8 move to o8.
Plug Uglies
The Spear Rat at q5 hold.
The Spear Rat at p2 move to k9.
The Spear Rat at v6 move to w1.
The Arrow Rat at k1 move to f1.
The Spear Rat at q1 move to l8.
The Arrow Rat at r5 move to r8.
Build Spear Rat at p4.
Build Arrow Rat at q7.
Shirt Tails
The Spear Rat at j4 move to i9.
The Arrow Rat at o9 move to t3.
The Arrow Rat at h3 move to h2.
The Spear Rat at n6 move to n2.
The Arrow Rat at h5 support move to h2 from h3.
The Arrow Rat at i1 support move to h2 from h3.
Build Arrow Rat at j6.
Build Arrow Rat at e9.
The Spear Rat at f1 hold.
The Spear Rat at f9 move to l1.
The Arrow Rat at h4 move to h1.
The Spear Rat at f5 move to f7.
The Arrow Rat at c8 move to h2.
The Spear Rat at k2 support move to f7 from f5.
Spring, 1903
Dead Rabbits
The Arrow Rat at t3 move to s3.
The Spear Rat at y7 move to x6.
The Arrow Rat at x2 move to w2.
The Spear Rat at s4 move to r3.
The Arrow Rat at n6 move to n3.
The Arrow Rat at t7 move to t8.
Plug Uglies
The Spear Rat at p4 move to p2.
The Spear Rat at v5 move to v6.
The Arrow Rat at k7 move to k1.
The Spear Rat at q9 move to q5.
The Spear Rat at p6 move to q1.
The Arrow Rat at r8 move to r5.
Shirt Tails
The Spear Rat at i3 move to j4.
The Arrow Rat at o3 move to o9.
The Arrow Rat at c3 move to h3.
The Spear Rat at o1 move to n6.
The Arrow Rat at i5 move to h5.
The Arrow Rat at i1 move to h2.
The Spear Rat at f7 move to k2.
The Spear Rat at a7 move to f1.
The Spear Rat at f5 move to f9.
The Arrow Rat at g4 move to h4.
The Spear Rat at f3 move to f5.
The Arrow Rat at c8 move to h2.
Autumn, 1902
Dead Rabbits
The Arrow Rat at t7 hold.
The Arrow Rat at x8 move to x2.
The Spear Rat at s8 move to s4.
The Arrow Rat at s3 move to n6.
Build Spear Rat at y7.
Build Arrow Rat at t3.
Plug Uglies
The Spear Rat at v4 move to v5.
The Arrow Rat at p1 move to k7.
The Spear Rat at v3 move to q9.
The Spear Rat at p8 move to p6.
The Arrow Rat at q9 move to r8.
Build Spear Rat at p4.
Shirt Tails
The Arrow Rat at i5 hold.
The Arrow Rat at j9 move to o3.
The Arrow Rat at d1 move to c3.
The Spear Rat at j8 move to o1.
The Arrow Rat at i1 move to h2.
Build Spear Rat at i3.
The Spear Rat at f2 move to f5.
The Arrow Rat at g7 move to g4.
The Arrow Rat at c8 move to h2.
The Spear Rat at f3 support move to f5 from f2.
Build Spear Rat at a7.
Build Spear Rat at f7.
Spring, 1902
Dead Rabbits
The Arrow Rat at y7 move to x8.
The Spear Rat at x2 move to s8.
The Arrow Rat at t3 move to s3.
The Arrow Rat at t9 move to t7.
Plug Uglies
The Spear Rat at u9 move to v4.
The Arrow Rat at u1 move to p1.
The Spear Rat at v2 move to v3.
The Spear Rat at p4 move to p8.
The Arrow Rat at q7 move to q9.
Shirt Tails
The Arrow Rat at e9 move to j9.
The Arrow Rat at e1 move to d1.
The Spear Rat at j6 move to j8.
The Arrow Rat at d8 move to i5.
The Arrow Rat at i3 move to i1.
The Spear Rat at a7 move to f2.
The Arrow Rat at f7 move to g7.
The Spear Rat at a8 move to f3.
The Arrow Rat at b9 move to c8.
Autumn, 1901
Dead Rabbits
The Spear Rat at x6 move to x2.
The Arrow Rat at y3 move to t3.
The Arrow Rat at y9 move to t9.
Build Arrow Rat at y7.
Plug Uglies
The Spear Rat at v4 move to v2.
The Spear Rat at p8 move to p4.
The Arrow Rat at v7 move to q7.
Build Spear Rat at u9.
Build Arrow Rat at u1.
Shirt Tails
The Spear Rat at j2 move to j6.
The Arrow Rat at d2 move to d8.
The Arrow Rat at d3 move to i3.
Build Arrow Rat at e1.
Build Arrow Rat at e9.
The Arrow Rat at f7 hold.
The Spear Rat at a4 move to a8.
The Arrow Rat at b3 move to b9.
Build Spear Rat at a7.
Spring, 1901
Dead Rabbits
The Arrow Rat at y9 move to y3.
The Arrow Rat at y3 move to y9.
The Spear Rat at y7 move to x6.
Plug Uglies
The Arrow Rat at u7 move to v7.
The Spear Rat at u1 move to p8.
The Spear Rat at u9 move to v4.
Shirt Tails
The Arrow Rat at e3 move to d3.
The Arrow Rat at e1 move to d2.
The Spear Rat at e9 move to j2.
The Arrow Rat at a3 move to b3.
The Spear Rat at a1 move to a4.
The Arrow Rat at a7 move to f7.