Hedeby is a channel province, just like Kiel in standard.
Oerne(and Kalmar) is a channel too, and armies can move to Kalmar, Jylland and Hedeby without convoy.
Fleets in the waterways labelled "Volga route" and "Dnepr route" may convoy armies. The armies can only be convoyed along the waterway, not across the river (e.g. a fleet in Gardarike may convoy an army from Kjonugard to Holmgard, but not from Smolensk to Mordvin).
Armed Neutrals:
There are 5 armies defending the neutral SC's at Buda, Pest, London, Jorsal and Alexandria.
They order:
London => Hold
Buda => Suport Hold Pest
Pest => Suport Hold Buda
Jorsal => Suport Hold Alexandria
Alexandria => Suport Hold Jorsal
If dislodged, they retreat off the board.
They will only do the support if they unit they support is a holding neutral as well.