Legacy of Versailles (7 игроков)
Europe in 1939, under the shadow of a second Great War.

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Параметры варианта (Версия карты: 1.0 / Версия кода: 1.0):


The start date is Spring 1939. Tensions are at an all-time high, and many speculate war in Europe may break out once again.

Inspired by Martin Kennedy's 'Versailles', João Pedro Neto's '1939' and Charles Féaux de la Croix's '1936'.

  1. Victory is reached with 18 supply centers out of 39.
  2. Hamburg, Denmark, Sweden, Egypt and Istanbul have canals.
  3. Finland, Leningrad and Spain have dual coasts.
  4. Movement and support are allowed between Ireland and Liverpool (armies and fleets), as well as between Egypt and the Atlantic Ocean (only fleets and convoys).
  5. Units cannot be built in Rhineland or Egypt.
  6. There is a neutral army in Switzerland that will not move or support, and will disband when dislodged.
  7. Arabia is impassable.

Starting Positions:

Britain (B) - F London (Lon), F Edinburgh (Edi), A Liverpool (Lvp), F Egypt (Egy)

France (F) - A Paris (Par), F Brest (Bre), A Marseilles (Mar)

Germany (G) - A Berlin (Ber), F Hamburg (Ham), A Munich (Mun)

Italy (I) - A Rome (Rom), A Trieste (Tri), F Naples (Nap)

Poland (P) - A Warsaw (War), F Danzig (Dan), A Krakow (Kra)

Soviet Union (S) - A Moscow (Mos), A Leningrad (Len), A Stalingrad (Sta)

Turkey (T) - A Ankara (Ank), A Istanbul (Ist), F Izmir (Izm)

Province abbreviations:

AEG – Aegean Sea

ADR – Adriatic Sea

Alb – Albania

Als – Alsace-Lorraine

Ang – Ankara

Arm - Armenia

Apu – Apulia

ATL – Atlantic Ocean

Aus – Austria

BAR – Barents Sea

BAY – Bay of Biscay

Bel – Belgium

Ber – Berlin

BLA – Black Sea

Boh – Bohemia

BOT – Gulf of Bothnia

Bre – Brest

Bud – Budapest

Bul – Bulgaria

Bye - Byelorussia

Cly - Clyde

Cro – Croatia

Den – Denmark

EAS – Eastern Mediterranean

EBS – Eastern Baltic Sea

Egy – Egypt

ENG – English Channel

EPr - East Prussia

Fin - Finland

Gas – Gascony

GOL – Gulf of Lyon

Gre – Greece

Ham – Hamburg

HEL – Heligoland Bight

Hun - Hungary

ION – Ionian Sea

Ira - Iran

Ire – Ireland

IRI – Irish Sea

Ist – Istanbul

Izm – Izmir

Kra - Krakow

Kur - Kurdistan

Len – Leningrad

Lev - Levant

Lib – Libya

Lit - Lithuania

Lvn – Livonia

Lon – London

Lvp – Liverpool

Mar – Marseilles

Mol - Moldavia

Mor – Morocco

Mos – Moscow

Mun – Munich

NAf - North Africa

Nap – Naples

Net – Holland

NRG – Norwegian Sea

NTH – North Sea

Nwy – Norway

Par – Paris

Pal – Palestine

Ndy – Normandy

Pie – Piedmont

Por – Portugal

Poz - Poznan

Pru – Prussia

Rhi - Rhineland

Rom – Rome

Rum – Rumania

Ser - Serbia

Ska – Skagerrak

Slo - Slovakia

Spa – Spain

Sta – Stalingrad

Swe – Sweden

Swi – Switzerland

Tri – Trieste

Tus - Tuscany

Tun – Tunisia

TYN – Tyrrhenian Sea

Ukr – Ukraine

Vol - Volhynia

Wal – Wales

War – Warsaw

WBS - Western Baltic Sea

WES – Western Mediterranean

Yor – Yorkshire